If you're stressing, start decompressing! Life sucks, but I promise it's not that deep. Seriously, I'm here to help.

Do it. Pass out. You won't.

Drinking. The noble tradition of college kids drowning their academic sorrows in a sea of alcohol! Who needs healthy coping mechanisms when you can embrace the hallowed art of binge drinking to decompress from school? Exams, assignments, and professors who think sleep is for the weak – what better way to celebrate surviving this academic circus than by downing shots like a seasoned party animal? Alcohol is the ultimate elixir that temporarily erases all memories of term papers and early morning lectures. So, gather 'round, young scholars, and toast to the magical healing powers of liquid courage!

College is all about experimentation, and what better thing to experiment with than the vast array of alcoholic beverages? After all, who needs to confront their stress and anxiety when they can mask it with the enchanting buzz of alcohol-induced euphoria? Forget yoga and meditation; drinking games are the new mindful practices! Besides, hangovers are just a gentle reminder that you had a blast decompressing from school – and who doesn't enjoy waking up feeling like a wrung-out sponge on a Sunday morning? So, dear college comrades, raise your glasses to this sacred tradition of student life, and remember, it's not about the destination; it's about the blurry journey! (Remember, this is satirical and not endorsing excessive drinking or irresponsible behavior.)